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Quick Links

QuickLinks is a list of some of the most frequently requested pages on Venus Diving.

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Frequently asked questions

Is learning to dive difficult?

No, it's probably easier than you imagine -- especially if you're already comfortable in the water. PADI's entry-level course consists of pool diving, knowledge development and open water dives. The course is performance based, meaning that you progress as you learn and demonstrate knowledge and skill.

How long does it take to become a certified scuba diver?

PADI courses are performance based, which means that you earn your certification when you demonstrate that you've mastered the required skills and knowledge. Because some learn faster than others, course duration varies. For example, the PADI Open Water Diver course can be split into five or six sessions over as little as four days to a much as six weeks.

How old do I have to be to become a certified diver?

Diving center Venus will train Divers begining age 12.  However, 12 to 14 year olds must dive with a certified adult. At age 15, the Junior certification upgrades to a regular Open Water Diver certification.  If you are over 15 Years old when you take your Open Water Course you'' get the PADI Open Water Diver certification.

Are there any special qualifications or considerations to participate in a scuba class?

No. Generally speaking, anyone in good average health and at least 12 years old can participate. You will, however, complete a medical questionnaire. If anything on the questionnaire indicates a reason to be cautious about diving, you'll need check with a physician to make sure you can dive.

Do I have to be a great swimmer to be certified as a PADI Open Water Diver?

No. You need to be a reasonably proficient swimmer and comfortable in the water. You must swim 200 metres/200 yards nonstop, without a time or specific stroke requirement or a 300 metre/yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. You'll also perform a 10 minute tread/float - Remember, it's not a race!

Is scuba diving expensive?

No. Like any hobby or recreation, you can invest however much you want, depending upon your interest level. Because most dive centers and resorts rent equipment, you can invest in equipment over time, renting what you don't have. There's probably good diving not far from where you live, so travel costs can be flexible enough to accommodate even the tightest budget. Most people find the costs of scuba diving similar to the cost associated with snow skiing or mountain biking.

What equipment do I need before I take scuba lessons?

Nothing, diving center Venus provides you with all equipment you need.
But if you prefer you can have your diving mask, snorkel, neoprene suit and fins.

What's in a scuba tank? Oxygen?

Recreational divers breathe air, not oxygen. The air in a scuba tank is like the air you're breathing but is also filtered to remove impurities.

How long does a tank of air last?

Since people breathe at different rates and as you go deeper you consume air faster, there isn't any one answer. Because of this, divers carry a gauge that lets them know how much air is in the tank. However, divers in calm, warm water from 5-20m can spend about one hour underwater with an average tank.

My ears hurt when I dive to the bottom of a pool. Won't they hurt when I scuba dive?

Your ears hurt because of the water pressure on your eardrum. In your scuba course, you'll learn simple techniques to equalize your ears to the surrounding pressure, much like you do when you land in an airplane

Is scuba diving dangerous?

No, but there are potential hazards, which is why you need proper training and certification.

I want to learn about PADI; what is PADI?

PADI is the Professional Association of Diving Instructors, the largest scuba certification organization in the world. PADI develops scuba programs and diver training products, monitors scuba training conducted by more than 100,000 PADI Professionals worldwide, maintains diver certification records and issues your diver certification credentials. In addition, PADI maintains various support services for PADI Dive Centers and Resorts. Since its inception in 1966 PADI has grown to have members in more than 175 countries and territories and international service offices in nine countries. Approximately 85 percent of all divers worldwide are certified by PADI.
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